2000'den Günümüze...

Sleeper Test Press Machine
Capacity 60 Tons
The values are processed and displayed in the digital indicator and simultaneously transferred to the Trapeze test program on the PC. The start/stop/end / commands of the test and the adjustment of the pressure rate during the test are made by the computer.
The commands sent from the computer are processed by the servo control unit and the motor is controlled. Concrete trapeze program is in Turkish and works on Windows operating system.
It is allowed to enter sample information, to determine the spread load and sequential load values at the end of the test and to report the test results via the printer.

Software Features
Experiments that can be performed with the Concrete Trapeze Test program: forces are applied to reinforced and plain concrete trapez as max fracture load and consecutively increasing values from 10% of the max fracture load up to 100% and the values are recorded.
In the pressure program, compression and sequential loading tests can be performed until the sample is deformed in the pressure direction.

Hydraulic power pack
64 lt/min HAWE radial piston hydraulic pump with fixed flow rate
5lt/min gear pump imported
1 HP AC motor 2 pcs
1 Electric directional valve valve
1 motor speed control unit
2 safety valves
15 lt. capacity hydraulic oil tank
15 lt. SHELL Vitrae hydraulic oil
1 set of high strength hydraulic hoses and fittings
1 ergonomic, durable piano panel
1 set

Servo control unit
(with operator panel suitable for automatic and manual use) 1 unit
Test computer + color deskjet printer 1 set
Concrete Pipe test prog.
(It can run on Windows 7-10.) 1 set
Pre-Calibration Included



Please contact for more information.